The word “boss” is a scary word to some people and is typically thought of in a negative manner. Although the exact definition is “a person in charge of a worker or organization”, most people think of a boss like a slavemaster, who sits on his/her thrown yelling orders while everyone is working.
Hopefully, with the latest studies showing the importance of leaders against bosses, more companies are making strides to provide leadership training to their management team and to hire candidates for these positions who exemplify leadership qualities.
So, where do you rank? Do you possess more boss traits or leader traits?
Why does it matter if I’m a “Boss”?
If you met most of the criteria for being a boss, you might be thinking, who cares as long as the job is getting done. Wrong. Management-level professionals who exhibit boss characteristics can hinder your company’s success, increase employee turnover and provide a negative work atmosphere. According to a questionnaire conducted by the Institute of Naval Medicine, occupational stress increases employee turnover which reiterates the old saying, people leave managers, not companies!
Need more proof? In a 2014 British study with 2,000 participants, eight out of ten people said they would turn down a large salary increase if they didn’t like the environment or people. In the United States, 85.8% of males and 66.5% of females work over 40 hours per week, so it’s no wonder why work culture plays an important role in employee retention and satisfaction.
Speaking from my own professional experience, I enjoy going to work at Trout CPA and have become invested in the success of the company, because those in leadership strive to help develop employees but understand the importance of not micromanaging. That doesn’t mean leaders shouldn’t hold employees accountable. In fact, Gallup found great leaders will create a culture of accountability, so employees know what is expected of them. Leaders will also:
- Have the confidence to achieve outcomes and overcome hardship & resistance
- Build trusting relationships
- Make impartial decisions, for the good of their team and business
- Motivate employees to take action
Two-thirds of Americans are not involved, enthusiastic or committed to their job and company!
( ) This disconnect most likely will result in employees doing the bare minimum at work. So, what can you do to get employees engaged? Three words. BE A LEADER! Instilling worth and encouraging employees to share their ideas without the fear of ridicule.
“Leadership is not about a title or a designation. It's about impact, influence and inspiration. Impact involves getting results, influence is about spreading the passion you have for your work, and you have to inspire team-mates and customers.” - Robin S. Sharma